With family practice medicine, we are able to offer a wide variety of services to patients ranging in age from newborn to elderly. We provide acute care by treating short-term illnesses. We’lll give your baby vaccines and flu shots and also provide limited emergency services such as stitches and splinting. Whatever it takes for you and your family to get healthy and stay healthy, we do it
From newborns, children, teens, young adults, adults and geriatric patients, our family physicians provide care for a lifetime.
If you’re experiencing an illness or non-life threatening injury, please call us. At Doc Hughes Family Practice we try and give same day appointments in these cases.
Today, we realize the best way for patients to take care of chronic diseases is through careful management. If you are one of these patients, be assured that the family physicians at Doc Hughes Family Practice will give you the care and attention you and your condition deserve.
Whether needed for work, school, sports or any other reason, our doctor’s office offers a number of different types of physicals.
The general practice physicians at Doc Hughes Family Practice feel very strongly that our patients receive a flu shot every year. Please call and schedule yours today.
Immunizations have helped children stay healthy for more than 50 years. They are safe and they work. In fact, vaccinations have reduced the number of infections from vaccine-preventable diseases by more than 90 percent. Unless exempt, The State of California requires that school age children be immunized before entering school. Let Doc Hughes Family Practice help your child stay current and stay healthy.
We recommend you check with your insurance company to ensure these immunizations are covered.